Saturday, 3 July 2010

Is it really already a month ago?

I have finally got around to photographing some of the sketches I did in Paris - here's the first, a sketch I made at Pere Lachaise cemetery:

It's not the best sketch I have ever produced by any stretch!  It was a very hot day and my paint was dry almost as it hit the paper!  I also ended up having to use several different drawing implements so - the lines are a bit messy - and as for the perspective!!  Still, I really enjoyed painting it, and as with any on-the-spot painting it evokes so many memories, the smell of the trees, the sound of them, the overgrown plants and patches of grass - and of course the heat!

I'm going to class this as EDM # 29 Draw something architectural - I think it fits that category fairly well and it is an EDM I may have otherwise avoided doing. Cheeky I know!

More to follow when I get my act together, hope you are all having a lovely weekend. :o)


  1. What more could you want - a sketch that evokes memories, smells, sounds, heat.....! Beautiful!

  2. It's a beautiful sketch!! And how wonderful that it transports you back to that moment. Nice.

  3. Stomp that inner critic. The drawing is terrific!

  4. This is really good, I wish I could draw like that while sitting in the heat! I really like the way a drawing can bring back so many memories, much more than a photograph can. I also remember the sounds I hear while I work.
    I look forward to seeing some more :)

  5. Nothing wrong with this work -it's really good, with some nice colour!

  6. I think it's gorgeous! I don't really know what you're saying...but have a great weekend too =)

  7. I agree with Marancat - it embodies the moment. Sometimes you only have a few minutes to sketch, or as you found, difficulty with the paper, medium, weather, etc. I think this turned out great for what it is - a memory sketch of your trip.

  8. Great stuff! I have a hard time drawing architectural objects, but maybe I'll find a good subject like you did and give it a try!:)



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